Abdominal pain

Abdominal Pain

Abdominal Pain Surgery Dubai, UAE

What is abdominal pain?

Abdominal pain is discomfort anywhere in your belly region — between your ribs and your pelvis. We often think of abdominal pain as “stomach pain” or a “stomachache,” but pain in your abdomen could be coming from other organs besides your stomach, too.

What are the four types of abdominal pain?

Since your abdomen it is home to many organs, your healthcare provider may want to narrow down the kind of pain you’re having by narrowing down the region you’re feeling it in. Healthcare providers often divide the abdomen into quadrants, or four parts. They may ask if your pain is in the:

1. Upper part / lower part. Upper abdominal pain is above your belly button. Lower abdominal pain is below it.
2. Right side / left side. The midline of your abdomen runs from your sternum through your belly button. .
Gastric pain vs abdominal pain

Your abdomen is home to your:

1. Stomach.
2. Liver.
3. Gallbladder.
4. Pancreas.
5.Small intestine.
6.Large intestine.

