Anorectal Surgery dubai uae

Anorectal Surgery

Anorectal Surgery Dubai, UAE

What is Anorectal Surgery?

Anorectal refers to the medical conditions related to the anus and rectum. The anorectal conditions are primarily caused due to abnormal growth of the tissues in the anus and rectum region. While these conditions are little discussed and can be embarrassing, living with them can be extremely painful. Every year, anorectal conditions affect millions of people. And not just that, anal or rectal cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer.

Benefits of Anorectal Surgery

The Benefits of Anorectal surgery helps one

1. Respite from pain due to Piles, Anal Fissure, Anal FIssure, Anal Fistula.,Perianal Abscess problems.
2. They help one get respite from anaemia (blood loss )like condition, which is frequent in Pile


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