

What are hiccups?

Hiccups are repeated spasms of your diaphragm paired with a ‘hic’ sound from your vocal cords closing. Your diaphragm is a muscle under your ribcage, separating your chest and stomach area. This muscle is an important part of the breathing process. It moves downward when you breathe in and upward when you breathe out.
Two things happen when you hiccup:

1.Your diaphragm pulls down between breaths, making you suck in air.
2. The glottis (space between the vocal cords) closes to stop more air coming in.

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what are hiccups caused by ?

It’s not clear why people get hiccups. There are several reasons hiccups might happen, including low levels of carbon dioxide in the blood and irritated nerves. The phrenic nerve (which connects the neck to the diaphragm) and vagus nerve (which connects the brain to the stomach) are important parts of the breathing process.

1. Eat and drink too quickly.
2. Drink carbonated beverages or alcohol.
3. Eat too much.
4. Experience stress – including fear and excitement.
5. Over-stretch your neck.
