Morbid Obesity / Metabolic Syndrome

Morbid Obesity / Metabolic Syndrome

What is Excess Calories?

Excess calories refer to the amount of energy you consume from food and beverages that exceeds what your body burns for daily activities and bodily functions. Imagine calories as fuel for your body. When you take in more fuel than you burn, the extra gets stored as fat.
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What is Compulsive eating ?

Compulsive eating is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of uncontrolled eating, often in large quantities, even when not feeling hungry. People struggling with this may feel a loss of control during these episodes and experience shame or guilt afterward.
While excess calories can contribute to weight gain, compulsive eating goes beyond simply consuming more calories. It’s a complex issue with emotional and behavioral components.
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What is Endocrinology related?

The endocrine system plays a vital role in regulating metabolism and weight management. Hormones produced by glands like the thyroid, pancreas, and adrenal glands influence how your body processes food and uses energy.
Here are some hormonal imbalances that can contribute to weight gain:
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What is Metabolic causes ?

Metabolism refers to the complex biochemical processes your body uses to convert food into energy. Several factors can influence your metabolic rate, including:
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What is Genetic obesity ?

Genetics play a role in weight management. Certain genes can influence factors like appetite regulation, body fat distribution, and metabolic efficiency. Having a family history of obesity increases your risk, but it’s not a guaranteed outcome. Lifestyle choices like diet and exercise can significantly impact weight, even with a genetic predisposition.
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