Other Diseases

Other Diseases

Hernias, Abdominal Wall Tumors, Retroperitoneal Tumors, and Pilonidal Sinus


Occur when part of an organ or tissue pushes through a weak spot in the muscle or connective tissue that holds it in place. Most commonly occur in the abdomen.
Symptoms can include a bulge under the skin, pain, discomfort, or a dragging sensation.
Treatment depends on severity and type of hernia. Options include watchful waiting or surgery to push the organ back and repair the weakness.
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Abdominal Wall Tumors:

Can be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous).
Benign tumors like lipomas (fatty tumors) are usually harmless but may require removal if causing discomfort.
Malignant tumors like sarcomas are more serious and require prompt diagnosis and treatment.
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Retroperitoneal tumors:

Grow behind the abdominal cavity, in the space between the muscles and organs.
Can be benign or malignant. Symptoms may be vague or absent in early stages.
Later symptoms can include abdominal pain, a mass, or back pain.
Treatment depends on the type of tumor and its stage.
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Pilonidal Sinus:

A small, abnormal pit or tunnel in the skin near the tailbone. Can become infected and form an abscess (collection of pus).
Symptoms include pain, swelling, redness, and drainage.
Treatment options include home care for mild cases and surgery for recurrent or severe pilonidal sinus.
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