

What is proctitis?

Proctitis is inflammation inside your rectum, which is the lower end of your large intestine just before your anus. “Procto” means “rectum,” and “itis” means “inflammation”. Your rectum can become inflamed if bacteria or chemicals irritate the inner lining, or if it’s affected by inflammatory bowel disease. It can cause uncomfortable symptoms, such as pain, rectal bleeding and poop changes.

What are the different types of proctitis?

Proctitis can be chronic or acute, depending on the cause. Acute means sudden and temporary, while chronic disease lasts a long time. Different causes of proctitis produce different types that sometimes go by different names. For example, sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) can cause “infectious proctitis,” radiation therapy can cause “radiation proctitis” and ulcerative colitis can cause “ulcerative proctitis.”
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What are the symptoms of proctitis?

1. Anorectal pain.
2. Pain in your abdominal left quadrant.
3. Blood or mucus in your poop.
4. Swelling or fullness in your rectum.
5. Continuous feeling like you need to have a bowel movement (tenesmus).
6. Difficult or painful bowel movements (dyschezia).
